President Joe Biden’s decision to redeploy the US military into Somalia to combat al-Shabaab represents a marked departure from his administration’s position on extended military engagements. A year and a half after all US troops—about 750 in total—were withdrawn from Somalia under former President Donald Trump’s administration, the White House has announced that approximately 450 US service members will return to the troubled country. The announcement also comes less than a year after the withdrawal of US-led coalition forces from Afghanistan, and critics of the decision have accused the Biden administration of pushing the United States into yet another “forever war” without a clearly defined end state.
With the legacy of the United States’ post-9/11 wars—and their poor strategic outcomes—still looming large, concerns such as these are unsurprising. But there are two points that these concerns do not account for. First, there are no other short-term alternatives to take effective action against al-Shabaab. And second, while the administration’s strategy is reportedly not yet finalized, official statements and actions so far indicate that US policy toward Somalia aims to manage the threat of al-Shabaab rather than completely solving it. In this regard, the troop deployment and continued engagement without a concrete objective has meaningful parallels with the Israeli counterterrorism approach that has come to be known as “mowing the grass.”
“Mowing the grass“ typically describes Israeli counterterrorism strategy, but the term originated as an informal tactical term used within the Israel Defense Forces. It entered the strategic lexicon when Israeli academics Eitan Shamir and Efraim Inbar used it in a 2013 journal article. The strategy is based on cumulative deterrence. Faced with an intractable political situation and resilient nonstate actor foes, Israel aims to delay each iteration of violence. It postpones each period of conflict by continually degrading the terrorist groups’ military capabilities through targeted strikes. Israel does not seek to end the conflict on the battlefield but instead works to maintain the political status quo.
Similar to Israel, the United States has been engaged in an enduring conflict with a hostile nonstate terrorist organization with no apparent political solution. The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), with its international backers, including the United States, has waged war on al-Shabaab since 2007. Despite fifteen years of conflict, with annual cost reaching upward of $900 million dollars, al-Shabaab remains a severe existential threat to the Somali government. Approximately half of south and central Somalia remains under the extremist group’s control. Somali security forces, along with the organization that replaced AMISOM this year, the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), lack the military capability to retake the rural areas controlled by al-Shabaab. Should ATMIS withdraw with Somali security forces in their current state, al-Shabaab would certainly expand its reach, potentially toppling the government quickly.
Somalia lacks the institutions and political stability necessary to be self-sufficient and resolve its internal conflict. While the nation recently achieved a peaceful transition of power to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the fifteen-month delay of the election exposed the structural faults in Somalia’s political system. Political power is concentrated in the tribal federal states. Somalia’s “4.5 system” allocates political power and posts based on tribal affiliation rather than direct election, limiting the number of educated and qualified individuals in government posts and thereby weakening institutions. The result is political paralysis for the government in Mogadishu and an incomplete constitution. Somalia cannot defeat al-Shabaab politically because the state is unable to demonstrate that it can effectively deliver rudimentary services and govern its people better than the extremists.
Officials in Washington know that there is no political solution to the conflict with al-Shabaab without major capacity improvements by the Somali federal government. However, the United States and its partners have not committed significant resources to build Somali state institutions. International efforts focus on security and humanitarian aid within the nation. The mandate of AMISOM did not include direction to develop any Somali state institution except the state security apparatus. The March 2022 communique establishing ATMIS as the successor to AMISOM “recognizes that building strong and resilient national state institutions is key to achieving sustainable peace.” Yet, the African Union did not include any lines of effort to address institution building within the ATMIS mandate.
Today, a wariness of anything like a nation-building project in Somalia comes as no surprise, given the disastrous collapse of Afghanistan after a twenty-year campaign less than ten months ago. There is little evidence to suggest that better results might be achieved in Somalia. Even if there was an appetite for such an undertaking, it would have to compete with other priorities—the crisis in Ukraine, a volatile domestic economic situation, and an increasingly aggressive China. Against that backdrop, a small military presence with limited aims is far more palatable. This is especially true when such an approach is compared to alternatives: a more robust strategy could involve another costly state-building campaign that risks failure, while doing nothing could see the emergence of a jihadist state in the strategically valuable Horn of Africa.
In accepting the premise that al-Shabaab’s presence in Somalia and the threat it poses to regional stability is contrary to US interests, which the Biden administration evidently does, then some degree of US effort to reduce that threat and create cumulative deterrence against future attacks is logical. That effort is taking shape as a “mow the grass” strategy. In addition to the troop deployment, President Biden approved a Pentagon request to actively target approximately twelve of al-Shabaab’s suspected leaders. A senior administration official stated that the new strategy would focus on disrupting a small number of al-Shabaab leaders who presented a direct hazard to “us, and our interests and our allies” and reduce “the threat to a level that is tolerable.” This statement indicates that the US military will likely transition to offensive targeted strikes. Since President Biden assumed office, strikes have been primarily confined to supporting partner forces under attack.
The decision to reduce al-Shabaab’s capability through targeted strikes on potential leaders is essential to the “mow the grass” strategy. As Inbar and Shamir note, the elimination of key personnel such as trainers, logisticians, or leaders can significantly reduce the capability of a terrorist organization to mount sophisticated attacks. This is especially true for organizations such as al-Shabaab that control territory and function as an alternative to the formal government. The New York Times cited a senior administration official in summing up the US approach: “The Biden administration’s strategy in Somalia is to try to reduce the threat from Al Shabab by suppressing its ability to plot and carry out complicated operations.” While the United States cannot achieve victory solely through strikes, it can significantly reduce al-Shabaab’s capability to meet its end state.
In a March 2022 Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, General Stephen Townsend, commander of US Africa Command, expressed his support for the troop deployment to counter the loss of progress since December 2020. He attributed what he called the “backsliding” of the security situation in Somalia to several factors, including the lack of a synchronized interagency approach and the United States “not providing sufficient pressure” on al-Shabaab. Earlier in the same hearing, General Kenneth McKenzie, commander of US Central Command, explained that “sustained [counterterrorism] pressure is what prevents groups from being able to grow, to train, to think about plotting beyond their immediate survival.” The Biden administration’s plan to increase offensive strikes, create a persistent presence, and “mow the grass” amounts to precisely this sort of counterterrorism pressure.
“Mowing the grass” in Somalia requires a long-term presence to continuously degrade the threat of al-Shabaab—not least because it is necessary to bolster the capabilities of the Somali forces most aggressively taking action against al-Shabaab. The Biden administration reintroduced US troops to Somalia without a planned end date. This persistent presence is a rational policy as informing al-Shabaab of future US withdrawal would detract from deterrence. However, the current ATMIS mandate directs the international force to liquidate the mission by the end of 2024. US officials did not reference the ATMIS timeline while discussing the renewed troop deployment. Given the poor condition of Somalia’s federal institutions, President Mohamud’s friendly relations with international partners, and the numerous AMISOM mandate renewals since the mission began, an extension is likely. If that occurs, the US presence will further collective efforts against al-Shabaab; if not, that presence becomes something of an insurance policy to protect against al-Shabaab gains after a withdrawal of ATMIS.
Pentagon officials have maintained that the change of troop posture in Somalia does not include US troops in direct combat operations. The primary line of effort has been and will likely remain training, advising, and assisting Somali security forces. Positioning US troops indefinitely in Somalia better enables them to manage the al-Shabaab threat through partner forces. In his recent congressional hearing, General Townsend criticized partner forces for their inactivity against al-Shabaab. Permanent basing demonstrates commitment to partner forces, which can increase morale and encourage decisive action. The move allows the United States to directly support and influence partner forces to mitigate the risk posed by al-Shabaab.
While the Biden administration has not yet released a formal strategy for Somalia, what it has demonstrated is a desire to manage the problem of al-Shabaab rather than attempting to solve it. The Somali political system’s structural and demographic problems have fractured the country and paralyzed the federal government, leaving US policymakers with no immediate political solution to pursue. “Mowing the grass” by continuously degrading al-Shabaab’s capabilities in order to prevent the terrorist organization from threatening US interests is arguably the best option available—if not the only one.
Captain Sean F. O’Brien is a US Army military intelligence officer who most recently served with the 10th Mountain Division. He is currently assigned to the United States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence. O’Brien graduated in 2018 from the United States Military Academy with a BS in chemical engineering. He is a 2018 Anna Sobol Levy Fellow and holds an MA in government from Reichman University in Israel.
The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense.
Image credit: Senior Airman Hannah Strobel, US Air Force
At the very last sentence, of the very first paragraph of our article above, note the suggestion of (a) "forever wars" without (b) "a clearly defined end state."
Question: How to best understand this such phenomenon?
Answer: From the "capitalism and trade require forever wars" perspective that I provide below. Here goes:
What we must come to understand, this is that our "forever wars" relate to our "forever mission;" which is — for the U.S./the West both here at home and there abroad and since at least the 18th Century (to wit: since the rise of capitalism) — to continually transform the states and societies of the world (to include our own such states and societies); this, so that same might be made to better interact with, better provide for and better benefit from such things as capitalism, globalization and the global economy.
(This, after all, being a/the "normal" national security mission of the U.S./the West?)
As can be seen from my quoted items below, this is, indeed, (a) a never-ending task; this, due to (b) the never-ending "creative destruction" requirements of capitalism and trade:
“Capitalism is the most successful wealth-creating economic system that the world has ever known; no other system, as the distinguished economist Joseph Schumpeter pointed out, has benefited ‘the common people’ as much. Capitalism, he observed, creates wealth through advancing continuously to every higher levels of productivity and technological sophistication; this process requires that the ‘old’ be destroyed before the ‘new’ can take over. … This process of ‘creative destruction,’ to use Schumpeter’s term, produces many winners but also many losers, at least in the short term, and poses a serious threat to traditional social values, beliefs, and institutions.”
(From the book “The Challenge of the Global Capitalism: The World Economy in the 21st Century,” by Robert Gilpin, see the very first page of the very first chapter, the "Introduction" chapter.)
Note that Joseph Schumpeter famously described the "traditional social values, beliefs and institutions" — described by Robert Gilpin above as (a) "cultural backwardness" problems which (b) stood in the way of "normal economic intercourse:"
"Where the cultural backwardness of a region makes normal economic intercourse dependent on colonization, it does not matter, assuming free trade, which of the civilized nations undertakes the task of colonization."
(See the first paragraph of Joseph Schumpeter's "State Imperialism and Capitalism")
Bottom Line Question — Based on the Above:
As we all know — today much like yesterday — there are individuals and groups — both here in the U.S./the West and there elsewhere in places such as Somalia — who (a) cling to "traditional social values, beliefs and institutions" and who, thus, (b) stand in the way of "normal economic intercourse."
Thus, it is the "forever mission" of the U.S./the West — today much like yesterday — to deal with these such folks — who exhibit such "cultural backwardness" problems?
(A mission which, thus for the perpetual "creative destruction" reasons that I describe above, really have no real and lasting "end state?")
From the end of our article above:
"While the Biden administration has not yet released a formal strategy for Somalia, what it has demonstrated is a desire to manage the problem of al-Shabaab rather than attempting to solve it."
Note that — from the perspective that I provide in my initial comment above — and in the U.S./the West as well as in Somalia and elsewhere today — (a) a permanent solution is unlikely to be achieved and that (b) a temporary solution will require that the U.S./the West, both here at home in the U.S./the West and there abroad elsewhere, continue to deal with those who:
a. Cling to such things as "traditional social values, beliefs and institutions." (These are, after all, significant alternative sources of power, influence and control?). And who, thus,
b. Stand in the way of "normal economic intercourse." (Which is necessary requirement for national security — today as yesterday?)
“I catch your drift” to use an old colloquial. But this isn’t anything new. In fact I was in theater for UNOSOM II which was an escalation from the humanitarian mission of UNOSOM. We had to exert serious military pressure on our opponents (namely Aidid and his extended family). Back then they called it “Peace Enforcement” I believe Madeleine Albright was one of the architects. It was a bad scene. There were many Americans who did not feel we should be there conducting military operations under UN command. We took an oath to defend the country, it’s citizens and Constitution not to serve the UN. There were many conscientious objectors. There were also many US Marines doing whatever they wanted. UNOSOM II was more effective but force protection was still minimal. I think that Afghanistan was a mistake in how it was handled. We shouldn’t use half-measures against resilient ideological opponents. It doesn’t work out and only makes for an increasingly well equipped and trained enemy. Part of the lunacy used in Afghanistan was the rewarding of effective and inspired Afghani allies with US Citizenship and Housing in the U.S.. that only diluted the local government of native support. I think that it shouldn’t be “mowing the grass” as that only prolongs the inevitable collapse of our native allies. Right now we need to show Africa that we really do care about them and make Somalia a success story. Any civil improvements should be easy and guaranteed to erode al-shabaab politically while bolstering the locals efforts to make their nation better. A residue of this neo colonialism would be less piracy as the locals would have new legit work to earn money for their families rather than steal it. If we want to do better in Africa than Southwest Asia we need to not use the same playbook and expect a good outcome. Yes it will persist as long as we and our allies ship goods through the Horn of Africa.
The article, and the US Government in general, never adequately explain why the hell America should care about Somalia or al-Shabaab or a cornucopia of other failed states. Our interventions in wars of choice have rarely been successful and they generally accrue zero benefit to the American people.
Did everyone forget “Blackhawk Down”? Did everyone forget the lesson of OIF? America got NOTHING but dead and injured Soldiers and massive debt out of these wars. The best Soldiers and equipment in the world can’t fix things that cannot be fixed!
It seems that Wash DC is insane: they do the same thing over and over and over, expecting different results. I don’t want to spend a cent on the African continent, it won’t help and we need to fix ourselves; we are being invaded by millions of illegal aliens and we don’t secure our OWN borders.
The problem is the US having regional combatant commands. US involvement in wars within their area of responsibility is a self-fulfilling prophecy in action. Eliminate Africa Command. US and Africa will be in better shape.
There are two glaring questions that may not have an immediate answer but will eventually become the "tripping point". The question of the the mandated end to foreign commitment (2024) is significant in that it will require the US to do something unilateral if it wants to have a continued presence in Somalia. This leads us into the next inevitable question…"What are our ultimate goals that will drive our exit strategy?".
The United States spends an inordinate amount of time, money, resources, and logistics to hunt down people carrying AK-47s, AKMs, RPGs, PKMs, RPKs, and ex-Soviet weapons ever since Vietnam.
It seems fricking hard for the US to eliminate masses of people carrying small arms. The French Foreign Legion tried in Africa to some limited success. The British Redcoats tried in the Revolutionary War. And the US tried in the COIN, GWOT, and the Insurgencies. Guerilla Warfare is such that the US spends a vast amount to contain for little to no apparent gain…or is it?
The problem isn't so much to secure the US Homeland or the host nation for the natives to live or return back to. Climate Change and drought is driving Africans towards Europe, risking life and limb to cross the Mediterranean, and the ironic thing is that the predictions and Intel was accurate years ago in advance warning of Climate Change and mass migrations that might affect Western National and Homeland Security. So besides armed Insurgents running around terrorizing the populace, starvation, unemployment, and drought is what is driving the natives away from home.
The US and West aren't really prepared for COIN and Bush Wars as these nations do not invest in the conventional forces that are low key, small, and low cost to combat these COIN problems. Special Forces have the AH-6s, but conventional forces like the Marines do not, often limited to just a handful of AH-1Zs and UH-1Ys. The multimillion dollar "pointy nose" jets are often overkill. Thus, drones work well in COIN, but again, one drone against scores of individuals with small arms isn't going to make a lot of difference in a vast area. The Marines are the best response to Bush Wars, and they have responded, but Marines are few and far between. Special Forces are another answer, but SOFs are elite. French Foreign Legion is probably the best answer, as are Private Military Contractors to free up the Armed Forces for armed combat against armies instead of Insurgents. Yet when Terrorists sprout up, SOFs are indeed on call to answer because that is their job. Would a Superpower nation dedicate elites to combat Insurgents who cost a fraction of the SOFs? This has been the trend.
Hence, movies got it right and created the TERMINATOR robots to hunt down and eradicate Humans, but the public is squeamish about AI-controlled killing robots that might run amok and turn on any Human for extermination. The Hunter-Killer TERMINATOR is the answer…but only in the movies. Or is it?
Pouring money, resources, personnel, arms, and training into Failed States where the populace doesn't want to live in them any longer due to COIN and Mother Nature seems counterintuitive, and yet these nations cannot and should not be breeding grounds for Terrorism. Remove a Western presence, and Peer Nations might come in to exploit resources and build bases. However, what is the exit strategy and will these Failed States and harsh lands ever support the life that once was? Besides rebuilding infrastructure, these African nations need to be terraformed like the Moon and Mars in creating fertile land again and for that one needs water. Machines now exist that can literally such water vapor out of the air, or use hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity and water byproduct. And in order to accomplish that, one needs national security, and to accomplish that, one needs to remove the enemy insurgents carrying small arms…and history has shown that is COIN in Vietnam, Central America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Colombian Drug Wars, Philippines, Turkey, and so on with limited success in First World nations battling against poorer nations to contain and defeat ideology and an enemy running around with small arms.
With the capture of so many US arms and gear in Afghanistan and perhaps even in Ukraine, G-7 nations need to be aware of the Black Market since the G-8 lost the eighth nation…Russia. Would Russia sell arms to Africa to finance its war in Ukraine? Would China? West Point needs to explore the political, military, financial, climate, geography, history, culture, and Human Nature of USAFRICOM…and that is generating very good C5ISR with SIGINT and HUMINT. It costs lots of money, effort, resources, logistics, and time, and the West excels in it, and for now, it seems that there is no other cheaper way to accomplish it. That is what officers do and hope and pray that they don't make the wrong decision and call.
Why do we need to build anything in Somalia? It's a dogs breakfast & always will be. We can't change anything.