“Whether it be the sweeping eagle in his flight, or the open apple-blossom, the toiling workhorse, the blithe swan, the branching oak, the winding stream at its base, the drifting clouds, over all the coursing sun, form ever follows function, and this is the law. Where function does not change form does not change.”
Proponents of the widespread addition of a 30-millimeter gun to the Stryker platform are very close to seeing their dream realized. Almost as soon as the upgrade was announced, a debate emerged between supporters and opponents of an up-gunned Stryker variant. Now, even as this new variant has been fielded to US forces in Europe, and while there may be some utility in the implementation of a more lethal weapon system attached to Stryker formations, the wholesale adoption of the 30-millimeter as a magic pill to improve lethality and deter aggression is a tactical solution to a strategic problem.
As Louis Sullivan so famously stated in his 1896 essay about the architecture of office buildings, “form ever follows function, and this is the law.” This statement is particularly applicable to the ICVD (Infantry Carrier Vehicle – Dragoon, the name given to the up-gunned Stryker variant). When looking at the case made for the ICVD, a couple key “functions” are continuously repeated to argue for its “form.” The first relates to Russia’s extensive use of more lethal motorized and tracked systems such as the BTR series, BMP series, and tanks. In this argument, either a lone Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) is matched against the armored hordes of Russia and thus requires 30-millimeter cannons to even the odds, or the SBCT is partnered with one or multiple armored brigade combat teams in a combined-arms attack that faces a combined armored and motorized threat. However, this argument pre-supposes two false assumptions: One, that Russia will wage a war of aggression that meets or exceeds our—or NATO’s—threshold for lethal intervention, a possibility that neither recent conflicts nor Russia’s national defense doctrine strongly suggest. And two, that in the event of a war with the United States (that would inherently include most, if not all, of the other NATO countries) Russia would not consider it an existential threat and would not therefore use nuclear weapons—another assumption for which the opposite is true, based on Russia’s published military doctrine. In fact, as the US Army Operating Concept states, Russia is conducting “non-linear” operations “below the threshold that would elicit a concerted North Atlantic Treaty Organization response.” Take Russian actions in Syria, where Russia continues to operate in support of Bashar al-Assad, but below a level that requires a direct American or allied response. The same is true of Russia’s support of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the most current Russian military doctrine from 2014 is defensive in nature and emphasizes “a general reduction in the likelihood of large-scale conflict involving Russia.” It also restates Russia’s willingness to use nuclear weapons “in the event of aggression against Russia or its allies, or in case of ‘threat to the very existence of the state.’” A concerted offensive action by NATO with the United States would most certainly be considered an existential threat, not only due to the action itself, but also because of the ownership of nuclear warheads by involved parties. Based on this analysis, the likelihood of employing the ICVD and its 30-millimeter cannon against the very threat that it is being fielded to meet seems unlikely at best.
Proponents for up-gunning the Stryker platform also argue that it is important as a conventional deterrent, believing it will “send a signal that we’re going to protect our allies but not provoke the Russians.” Just because a 30-millimeter gun “can destroy anything short of a heavy tank, and do considerable damage even to those” does not mean the SBCT armed with them can stop a Russian attack into central and western Europe. In 2016, the RAND Corporation published a wargame summary whose key findings were that with the current force posture in Europe, it would take Russia sixty hours to reach the outskirts of Tallinn and Riga and that a minimum “force of about seven brigades, including three heavy armored brigades—adequately supported by airpower, land-based fires, and other enablers on the ground and ready to fight at the onset of hostilities—might prevent such an outcome.” Essentially, the tactical victory of 30-millimeter cannons against single-vehicle opponents on the speculative battleground of central Europe would not meaningfully deter or prevent a committed Russia from pursuing initial invasion objectives. It would require a strategic restructuring of the placement of ABCTs throughout the Army at a minimum, something that will require much more thought, and a significant deal of time.
For argument’s sake, there are two other likely operational environments that belie claims of the urgent need for the ICVD. The first is in the Pacific region, specifically against North Korea, another major threat identified in the Army Operating Concept. However, contingencies to fight in Korea should not include the ICVD. In fact, for that environment, plans should not rely on any mounted platforms. The terrain of the Pacific littoral, and Korea in particular, is inhospitable to armored and motorized formations. Instead, light infantry are proven to dominate its dynamic and complex terrain. The second environment centers around a hybrid threat focused in the Middle East. The Army Operating Concept anticipates hybrid threats in the future. Supporting this is a paper written by Maj. Michael Kim for the Institute of Land Warfare. In it, Kim examines the experience of Israel Defense Forces fighting against the hybrid threat posed by Hamas during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. His findings conclude that the increased threat from hybrid forces armed with current-generation anti-tank weapons and evolved tactics in and around urban environments is best countered by the use of light infantry with support from heavy tanks armed with active protection systems. He specifically quotes an Israeli officer commenting that “Strykers and MRAPs [Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles] will not [withstand] a medium-heavy ATGM.” Instead, Kim notes that it should be “the role of the M1 Abrams tank . . . to provide a mobile and survivable precision firepower platform to execute effective combined-arms operations against a sophisticated hybrid threat with ATGM capabilities.” In other words, the Stryker platform, with or without a 30-millimeter upgrade, does not achieve the function demanded of mobile platforms in our future hybrid conflicts. Kim stresses that a top priority for the Army should instead be the adoption of an active armor protection system for all its mounted platforms. This recommendation is much more in line with effective Stryker employment and would enhance the Stryker’s ability to provide survivability to its real combat power, the infantry squad riding inside.
Given these arguments, and the fact that “potential enemies will use deception, surprise, speed, and all elements of national power to exploit seams within established U.S. operating methods,” what “form” should our response take? I believe the answer lies in the Army Operating Concept and the newly emerging doctrine of Multi-Domain Battle. The Army Operating Concept states:
The Army, as part of joint, interorganizational, and multinational teams, protects the homeland and engages regionally to prevent conflict, shape security environments, and create multiple options for responding to and resolving crises. When called upon, globally responsive combined arms teams maneuver from multiple locations and domains to present multiple dilemmas to the enemy, limit enemy options, avoid enemy strengths, and attack enemy weaknesses.
In a similar fashion, the joint Army and Marine Corps White Paper on Multi-Domain Battle states, “To generate and exploit psychological, technological, temporal and spatial advantages over an adversary, ground combat forces must physically and cognitively outmaneuver enemies . . . by holistically employing reconnaissance, movement, fires, and information to avoid surfaces, identify gaps, and create and exploit windows of advantage.” Put together, these documents make clear why the priority for Army forces needs to be the foundational application of combat power integrated across nations, services, and domains to achieve lethality through surprise, precision, and simultaneity.
A bigger weapon for the Stryker family is not the solution to the conflicts of the future against any of the major threats outlined by our senior Army leaders. If anything, the mass implementation of the 30-millimeter ICVD will take away from the focus required to make the squad carried by the Stryker the center of attention for training. Time, or the lack thereof, is the most finite resource of the Army today. The tempo of operations, combined with the administrative and non–readiness-building requirements of the typical SBCT, means that executing the gunnery required to effectively and safely employ the ICVD will take away from the focused training required to prepare lethal infantrymen. This is not a failure to give our company and battalion commanders their due credit, but an honest assessment of reality. However, if tactical lethality is still deemed an issue for the SBCT due to the potential of “chance engagements,” there are three points that should be considered.
First, the Army is already addressing the need for enhanced anti-armor capability mounted to the Stryker with the CROWS-J. It should stick with this upgrade rather than the ICVD. The CROWS-J will simply replace the current remote weapon station on identified vehicles and will be fitted with Javelin integration kits and STORM lasers. This system should achieve the function of providing enhanced lethality against armor threats throughout the SBCT formation.
Second, if a more capable vehicle-defeating gun is actually deemed necessary to replace or augment the mobile gun system capability in the SBCT, the Army should simply adopt the LAV III used by the US Marine Corps and integrate it into an infantry support platoon. By being integrated into an infantry support platoon, rather than taking the place of Stryker vehicles in Stryker companies, commanders can augment forces based on mission requirements and diverge and combine training when gates align, similar to the integration of the mobile gun system. Also, the LAV III’s 25-millimeter gun is a proven weapon that is already used by the Army on Bradley fighting vehicles in armor and mechanized infantry formations. This provides a greater level of interoperability with parts and ammunition. Proponents of the ICVD may argue that using a LAV III denies the parts commonality inherent in maintaining the Stryker platform. However, in order to handle its load, the ICVD requires a different engine, different suspension, different tires, and a different alternator, and it even adds an in-vehicle network. Essentially, it is a completely different vehicle in a cut-up Stryker frame, which will require the development of new mechanics courses and completely different parts ordering. In contrast, mechanics courses already exist for the LAV III, the parts are already in the supply system, and the 25-millimeter and the LAV III are already well understood. Thus, the training curve and logistical requirements for sustaining it would be less or simply equal to the ICVD, and it already exists.
Finally, if the ICVD truly fulfills an urgent and necessary function, its basis of issue and personnel requirements need to be fully understood and articulated before its implementation into the broader Stryker force. While its function in a permanent role as part of a Stryker infantry company is questionable, there is a very real need to enhance or replace the reconnaissance vehicle in the Stryker formation. This variant is the least capable of the Stryker family of vehicles and it belongs to the one organization constantly tasked to “fight for information.” In a “Stryker leader summit” that occurred in February 2017, 1-4 SBCT “Raider” identified that the reconnaissance force operating 50–60 kilometers ahead of the main body is at a significant disadvantage when it comes upon an armored threat. This would be the most likely way for an independent engagement between Strykers and enemy armor to take place as a chance meeting engagement, and is perhaps the best argument for a lethality upgrade to the platform, though limited to the reconnaissance element.
In conclusion, the Army is considering the adoption of the 30-millimeter ICVD based on a false understanding of its function in current Stryker doctrine and future warfare. The European theater, which initiated the request, is not at risk of a large scale armor battle. Russia’s military doctrine and recent actions all indicate that it does not intend to engage in a large conventional war but will instead act below the threshold of lethal response. Furthermore, if Russia did act rashly, it would take ABCTs to stop any heavily armored offensive. The adoption of the 30-millimeter gun also needs to be considered in the context of other conflicts and operating environments. It does not have a place in the Pacific, a major theater of operations dominated by complex terrain that demands dismounted infantry. And against hybrid threats, armed with modern ATGMs, heavier vehicles like the M1 Abrams are needed along with active protection systems. There is a place for a lethality upgrade to the Stryker, but it rests with the CROWS-J for most of the Stryker infantry companies, with consideration for a larger gun given to reconnaissance forces that are required to fight for information. However, any new platform introduced to the SBCT should be done slowly and with great thought given to the basis of issue to ensure that the “form” is following the “function.” The integration or re-creation of infantry support platoons may be the right answer to provide the greatest flexibility to commanders while protecting training requirements and focus. Regardless, it is clear that the tactical solution of a 30-millimeter cannon is not a magic pill. The conflicts of the future will be won through the complex integration of multilateral, combined arms, joint services, and enablers across multiple domains, to seize the initiative and attack and defeat the enemy at a time and place he least expects.
Zack Spear is an infantry officer and acting rifle company commander in a Stryker brigade combat team with a bachelor of science in Russian. He has experience in light infantry and Stryker formations, conducting DATE rotations at both JRTC and NTC as well as multiple exercises in the Pacific.
Image: Infantrymen with the 1st Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment fire a Stryker 30-millimeter Infantry Carrier Vehicle – Dragoon during a joint, combined-arms live-fire exercise Aug. 26–30 at Bemowo Piskie Training Area, Poland. (Credit: Sgt. John Onuoha, US Army)
Article I, Section 8, Untied States Constitution :
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
The author makes a valid point about using the 25 mm cannon system already in service, unless there is a move to scrape the 25 mm and replace it with 30 mm systems. The sports analogy "It's the player and not the glove" doesn't apply in this scenario…in combat it's both. I believe the author is incorrect about Russia's motivations and means to accomplish its goals and a high intensity, short duration conflict is very possible between US and Russian forces either in the Baltic states or along the Ukraine/Polish border. There is no denying the fact the US has a manpower crisis and the number and quality of future soldiers is in serious jeopardy. The Army needs to rethink tactics and strategies towards more remotely operated defense systems to defeat enemy armor, mechanized and even artillery.
"Quantity has it's own quality" will still apply and be applied, and the vehicle commanders will be placed in situations where they must choose between continuing to perform as under-armored and outgunned infantry-haulers, or to spend an entire battle employing multi-domain tactics in order to be productive armor-hunters, with a crew of infantry observers along for the ride. That is, unless the grunts want to deploy in the middle of a massed-armor battle…
The same thing the Russians did to the German army, chasing them back out of their home country…(See "Kursk, Battle of…")
The entire premise of the article is "we won't have to fight Russia because…1) They won't attack & 2) They'll use nukes if we attack.
Well heck, you just solved our entire national defense budget. Apparently we no longer need an Army. This genius just figured out what several hundred thousand experienced professionals could not.
Apparently, in spite of all the evidence, the Russians are really good guys, and the US is the mean aggressors.
Well Geez, that sure is comforting to know there, cupcake. Got any more sound advice for us?
Let me guess, you specialize in investment guidance? I can just see your next e-mail to clients. "Remember, Buy HIGH and Sell LOW".
Please tell me the dripping sarcasm was apparent.
Cupcake "is an infantry officer and acting rifle company commander in a Stryker brigade combat team with a bachelor of science in Russian. He has experience in light infantry and Stryker formations, conducting DATE rotations at both JRTC and NTC as well as multiple exercises in the Pacific."
I think that pretty much sums it up. Frankly, I pretty much agree with him on just about every point. Except that, I can see scenarios of a limited conflict with Russia occurring. One we don't want, and neither do they.
The existence, and probable proliferation, of active defense systems against antitank missiles, like the Trophy system, mean that the anti armor capabilities of a 30 mm gun may be of much more use than any substitute missile system.
That said, logistics wins wars. Unless we're going to standardize, at least at the brigade level, on a new 30 mm Stryker, we're better off with more common components.
I'm a bit confused on the details the author presents. The USMC LAV-25 is based on an older and smaller design than the Stryker, which is closely based on the Canadian LAV-III Kodiak. The LAV-III fits a 25mm turret already, so a 30mm for the Styker shouldn't be a big issue. If a new turret is pushing the weight margins, then the Stryker is already overloaded, and they all need upgrades.
The Dragoon upgrade may not be worth the money, or the weight, but if Strykers find themselves shooting at anything, a turreted 30mm has a lot more reach and a lot more punch than an OWS mounting a 50cal or 40mm GMG.
As described, the present Stryker ICV is for infantry mobility only, and is overweight for that task, so either slim them down for greater mobility, or arm them enough to make them fighting vehicles. Splitting the difference does no good.
The author makes the false assumption that a 30mm will be useless at achieving strategic outcomes given that it is a tactical capability. This argument is both true and meaningless, as no tactical capability is immediately strategically relevant. There is an entire operational level of war which must be properly conducted to translate tactical engagements into operational success and into strategic consequences favorable to the United States.
So the question becomes, is the 30mm Dragoon variant Stryker a useful tactical capability in terms of the operational level of war? The answer is yes, in Europe for sure, although I concede the point that the tyranny of distance in the Pacific theater challenges any vehicular based formation to mass combat power. However in Europe the Polish Army currently operates more Leopard 2 main battle tanks than Germany, and several hundred more heavily improved T-72s in the PT-91 Twardy configuration. The addition of more heavy Armor to Europe is a very useful thing, however it is prohibitively expensive as an act of deterrence at this time, and our allies already have quite good tanks. The benefit of the Stryker and 2CR is that they have established relationships, can bring American Command/Control/Communications to work alongside our allies, and therefore make our allies more effective through the receipt of timely intelligence and situational awareness updates.
In the "period of competition" as outlined in Multi-Domain Operations, the 30mm Dragoon is much more useful as an an influence tool to reassure allies by demonstrating US investment in increasing anti-armor capabilities. The 2d Cavalry Regiment has also upgraded the remote weapon station to the CROWS-J system capable of firing the Javelin missile, which provides a much more credible deterrent capability for a chance meeting engagement rather than stopping movement to dismount the squad to bring the Javelin into action.
To summarize the Multi-Domain Operations argument, the 30mm and CROWS-J capability in a single Cavalry Regiment in Europe is not decisive However the "Period of Competition" is a non-decisive operational environment as opposed to the "Period of Conflict" where such Clausewitzian thinking as "the decisive point" can come into play. In the period of competition we are not fighting to beat Russia, we are operating to maintain relationships with our allies so that we can credibly operate as an alliance should we be attacked.
Lastly, as a historical precedent the 37th Tank Battalion in WWII entered the European theater with the basic 75mm gun on their M4 Sherman Tanks. Despite the German Tiger and Panther tanks being better on a system per system comparison, the 37th Tank Battalion became quite famous for using the advantages of the lighter Sherman and Stuart tanks to conduct fire and maneuver against the Germans who did not fire on the move. And so the 37th was able to achieve a highly respectable kill to loss ratio by playing to the strengths of their organization as a whole and fighting as a combined arms maneuver team with the mechanized Infantry to the left and right rather than focusing on competing system for system. In short, history says that anything that makes our individual systems more competitive is a good thing as it allows us as an Army to fight smarter as a whole rather than trying to rely solely on capabilities described on paper.
The author is correct that a Stryker Brigade will never replace the combat power capabilities of an ABCT. However that is also irrelevant. An IBCT cannot move as fast as an SBCT, and an ABCT cannot move itself. The fuel bill for 8 hours of operations for a single M1A2 MBT is the fuel bill that a whole Stryker Company has in terms of consumption. Would a planner rather have one tank, or 20 Strykers, half of which have a 30mm gun and half of which have a mounted Javelin? This isn't to say that we don't need IBCTs and ABCTs, we absolutely do. But we need SBCTs in the mix, and increasing their capabilities with no additional fuel cost and a minor uptick in ammunition costs is money well spent.
Well, folks, it's not a 'theoretical' issue to the Ukrainians. Javelins, N-LAWs and Panzerfaust 3's don't care about the size of an APC's 'big gun.' The only realistic purpose for an APC's gun is to keep the enemy's heads down while the grunts maneuver or ride through. A 25mm does that job nicely.