The Modern War Institute welcomes submissions. However, please read the guidelines below before submitting.

Submissions should be between 600 and 2,500 words long. Exceptions to the maximum word length will be made only occasionally and when the subject matter requires it. While MWI publishes pieces of commentary and analysis on a wide range of topics, the unifying theme is modern war. Emerging threats, contemporary tactics, current conflicts, the most effective force structure and defense posture—anything related to the battlefields of today and tomorrow, and how best to train, equip, and prepare to fight and win on them.

Please note: MWI receives many more submissions than we are able to publish. We evaluate all submissions and aim to respond to as many submissions and pitches as possible, as quickly as possible, but are not always able to do so for those that are not accepted for publication.

Types of Submissions

Commentary pieces typically take a position and aim to persuade. Works of analysis break down a problem, challenge, or issue in a comparatively more dispassionate tone. Both are appropriate for MWI.

We also regularly publish book reviews. When writing a book review for MWI, however, please do not simply summarize the contents of the book. Engage with the book’s subject matter. Tell readers what makes the book important or worthy of being read, but do not be afraid to identify missed opportunities in the book or disagree with either its assumptions or conclusions. Use the book as an entry point into a wider debate or as a the basis of your own original argument.


MWI publishes submissions from current and former members of the military, the intelligence community, and the national security field, as well as scholars and other specialists. However, we are committed to advancing strong strategic thinking within the profession of arms, and especially encourage men and women in uniform to submit pieces that engage with the issues and trends that influence the force and the global environment in which it operates. We also welcome submissions from non-Americans, and particularly members of foreign militaries.


MWI uses the Chicago Manual of Style as its house style guide. Please ensure your submission conforms to the CMOS. Additionally, while much of what MWI publishes is written by military and security professionals, our readership is broad, so please avoid jargon and overuse of acronyms.


For original content published by MWI, with the exception of research reports, hyperlinks are used in lieu of footnotes or endnotes. Please link to source documents wherever appropriate.

Submission Format

Please submit any articles as a Microsoft Word document. Include a short bio of 2–3 sentences in the document.


All articles that appear on MWI’s website will be published along with the following disclaimer:

The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense.

Please feel free to include further disclaimer language as required or appropriate based on your position or professional affiliations.


Please send all submissions to

You can also reach the editorial team with any questions by emailing MWI’s editor-in-chief, John Amble, at or MWI’s managing editor, Charlie Faint, at