In this new oped, MWI’s Lionel Beehner argues that just as the turning away of Jewish asylum seekers in the 1930s masked a reflexive anti-Semitism, American refusal to accept more Syrian refugees today in the name of preventing terrorism masks a latent Islamophobia.
There comes a time when a nation/country must protect its culture, language, customs and traditions. Continuing the influx of different cultures eventually erodes the countries history, it’s values, and it becomes a multicultural nation with no history. I fail to believe refugees understand Valley Forge, Trenton, Cowpens, 1812, Gettysburg, or how important 1865 was to the country.Nor do they care. Unfortunately, many native Americans don’t either. However, I do not see the value of a country made up of many cultures because, as we know when cultures get close they fight. Result, break-up of the country into many little independent states.