Lieutenant Colonel Douglas A. Pryer is a U.S. Army military intelligence officer with experience at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war. Currently serving as a J-5 planner for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, his previous assignments include three years in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kosovo as well as two years of “combined” experience as the U.S. military liaison and senior intelligence officer for a British Army regiment. LTC Pryer’s awards and decorations include two bronze stars, the combat action badge, and the Presidential Unit Citation. He holds a Masters in Military Art and Science (Military History) from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and is the author of the book, The Fight for the High Ground: The U.S. Army and Interrogation during Operation Iraqi Freedom, May 2003 – April 2004. His numerous essays about warfare’s moral and psychological dimensions have been published in various national security outlets and earned him a number of military writing awards.
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Lieutenant Colonel Douglas A. Pryer;
The review you wrote on Lt. Col. Bill Russel Edmonds' book "god is not here" was an excellent review. I enjoyed reading a review that clearly comes from a point of view that is experienced, balanced and perceptive. Personally Edmonds' book is so heavy in reality (that I was unaware of) I could only read parts of the book at a time. The most valuable knowledge I received from reading "god is not here" is that it gave me a deeper understanding of my own brother, whom served in the Army for 29 years, 8 months. He did not want to complete the four remaining months for his 30 year pin. I could never understand why; but now I do. Thank you for an excellent review which further the truth. It is important for family members to be educated on what happens to Veterans, whom suffer from moral injury.