A few days ago, Kurt Campbell and Rush Doshi wrote that China is taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic by maneuvering for international leadership as the US government is collectively struggling to develop a cohesive strategy to respond to the global crisis. While that struggle has had many facets, among them is public communications that has been haphazard, to say the least. This raises the question of how the government should be coordinating messaging in the first place, especially as it becomes clearer that there is a growing element of great-power competition mixed into the crisis.
In a recent article in Defense One, Patrick Tucker described calls for elevating the assistant secretary of defense position responsible for influence operations to the level of under secretary. Indeed, he identified multiple issues across the Department of Defense that may preclude the organization from being an agile contestant against Russia and China in the modern information environment. Aligning influence operations at a higher level in the DoD hierarchy, he argues, would enable the Pentagon to be more responsive to messaging opportunities and facilitate coordination of effective countermeasures to Chinese and Russian competition. However, this solution does not answer the foremost critical question:
What should be the message?
Tucker reports that senior defense officials missed a potential messaging opportunity to compete with China during the protests in Hong Kong in 2019—that the unwieldy bureaucratic process and interagency consensus building failed to develop a timely, cohesive, and effective message that would counter China’s authoritarian posture against human rights and democratic values.
The same has happened for COVID-19. As the US administration is absorbed in the growing domestic crisis, it is at the expense of coordination and communication with our international allies and partners, in stark contrast to China’s “robust diplomatic campaign.”
The crux of the problem is not just that bureaucracy has left the US government unable to effectively compete with Russia and China in the information environment; it’s the fact that there is no cohesive narrative and strategy with presidential buy-in to guide the various efforts and agencies involved.
Collectively, senior leaders had trouble developing and agreeing upon a cohesive message to contest authoritarian rule in the modern era and the messages of senior officials have even directly contradicted one another. This is a major problem, and one that even having an under secretary of defense to adjudicate and approve a message would do little to solve.
From an administrative perspective, the US government should of course develop the right structure to prevent contradicting messages in the public forum and allow it to effectively compete against foreign propaganda. However, the structure may already exist.
While great-power competition, as a framework for understanding US foreign relations, has been advocated most strongly by the Department of Defense, the responsibility for public diplomacy sits with the Department of State. Since the US Information Agency was disbanded, the Department of State assumed the responsibility of communicating US foreign policy to domestic and foreign audiences. The under secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs is precisely to whom the interagency should look for leadership on such messaging opportunities and a communications strategy.
That position is currently without a confirmed appointment—as it often has been since its creation in 1999—which is a problem in itself. Moreover, the State Department’s Global Engagement Center—the office, which reports to the under secretary, with the mission to “direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate efforts of the Federal Government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts” (emphasis added)—has not produced a comprehensive communications strategy, or even a message, against state actors since its founding in 2016.
With an effective strategy in place, the US government would not need to start from scratch to determine what the message should be at every juncture. This would also set the foundation for proactive engagement and communication, rather than just opportunism. Organizations and positions already exist to develop this strategy, so new offices are not required; instead, existing ones should be properly resourced, supported, and held accountable.
Following the Cuban Missile Crisis, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said, “There is no longer any such thing as strategy, only crisis management.” This assertion, Stephen Sestanovich of Columbia University has written, suggested that the United States “was so strong that it didn’t have to have clear and consistent doctrines. Improvisational fine-tuning would do.” However, as Sestanovich went on to point out, this concept fell flat during Vietnam. Our contemporary experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan are similarly sobering and suggest that attempting to exploit foreign-policy opportunities and crises in such an ad hoc fashion is not the right answer.
China has seized the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to discredit the United States as an international leader. In great-power competition, if we are to defend the concept of liberal democracy against authoritarianism, we must do so smartly. For example, the US government could focus the narrative on the successes of the policies implemented by South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan—key allies that share democratic values—for controlling their own outbreaks of COVID-19 with considerably less force than authoritarian China.
There is no reason that the US government cannot properly communicate—whether in the midst of a crisis or in the broader context of competition. But it starts from the top and takes deliberate strategy. We can, and must, do better.
Wonny Kim is a graduate student at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and a major in the US Army Reserve who has served as an information operations officer in Europe and Africa. The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense.
Image credit: Shealah Craighead, White House
This is a very pinpointed article that I agree with. To expand…
* Logic doesn't make logical sense. The U.S. government is festooned and buffered by GAO, Think Tankers, Congressional Reports, Subject Matter Experts (SME), the wealthy, Intel Services, NATO, scientists and medical, and Secret Societies to inform it. And somehow the U.S. government as a whole missed this (perhaps not the boat, but they got on the boat and no one knows what to do once on it and it sailed so they did it haphazardly).
* Command in the military is still a pyramid…it comes from Top-down. If the command and guidance didn't start at the top-point, then the foundation starts building the foundation and eventually you get a tower, cylinder, cone, or trapezoid. Oops…no one said that they wanted a pyramid.
* Most PPE items are Made in China due to cheap labor costs. President Trump wants items Made in the U.S.A. and now the Defense Production Act is doing just that. When this pandemic is over, I think some new companies will be born making PPEs solely in the U.S.A.
* The level of response and military gear is scattered with a separation between officers and civilians. I suggested MOPP CDC BioHazard Level 3-4 with gas masks, air hoses, and respirators compared to gloves, gowns, and N95 masks. The DoD has not implemented CBRN protocols. CNN on Tuesday night reported that the Coronavirus can stay alive SEVENTEEN DAYS on the Diamond Princess cruise ship! 17 DAYS! The U.S.A. needs to spray Bleach like South Korea, China, and other countries in HAZMAT suits and spraying wands.
* The U.S. government needs to adopt the strategy of mandatory vaccinations to protect the general public. If Americans are now mostly staying home and crime is thus way down, then no more excuses on not having your kid vaccinated to "be vaccine free." Give the Flu and Pneumonia shot to all Americans like the Census 2020, even the Homeless. The most powerful nation on Earth has 330 MILLION Americans, not 1.4 BILLION Chinese. The U.S.A. can do this, especially with American Philanthropic foundations promoting vaccines.
Let's discuss more…
* The U.S. Navy Mission Modules development was a disaster: ASW, Mine Counter Measures, and Anti-Surface 30mm produced some results. Where are the Medical, PPE, surgical, Decon, Urban Rescue, CBRN, Dental, Berthing, C4SIR, SAR, Quarantine, etc. Mission Module containers so planned and wanted? It's just a shipping container packed with items, equipment, and gear. Where are they? Fire Departments have them, why not FEMA or DoD? A shipping container can be shipped overseas and dropped off by the U.S. government for immediate use. Once again, the logistics can do this if the "Eye of the Pyramid" tells it to. But if the "Eye" is sleeping, the workers will continue to build a rectangle tower instead of a pyramid. We lack those Mission Modules for Medical.
* The U.S. Military suffers from bad PR due to Sexual Harassment and assault, corruption, missed deadlines, buggy hardware and software, and 19 years of war. China has no wars to fight except its own people and public image. China comes out ahead as the DoD is tired, beaten, battered, lawsuited, smeared, and weary. PR needs to do better and once again, that comes from the top.
* So now the money is flowing from the Congressional $2 trillion dollar package and the “sides” steps in again: GAO, SMEs, Think Tankers, consultants, advisers, etc. Has the U.S. government grown so "Adviser heavy" that the pyramid became 250 pyramids with 250 supervisors instead of one great pyramid? That in itself is planning and leadership and proper communications. Everyone will want a part of the $2 trillion Aid Package and government has to manage it properly with oversight just like the Obama Stimulus Package.
* Finally, the "Under the Radar Approach" is still at play. While the U.S. is preoccupied with COVID-19, we still need to restart our Education system, take care of those going Stir-Crazy at home, reboot the Space Program, prevent cyber-hacking, and prepare for another wildfire season soon. Peer nations will attempt to go around our backs or under our radars to sneak in a surprise accomplishment where we then have to be reactive (again) to. While the U.S. government may be doing COVID-19 response wrong, other nations or people might use an "Ace up their sleeve" and sneak in an accomplishment that we're not prepared for, like land a rover on the Moon or Mars or steal a precious jewel or artifact from a closed museum, for example. We must not lower our vigilance just because of COVID-19. The U.S.A. will always need to plan, prepare, and train for, and that is what the advisers should be doing besides just focused on COVID-19. Look at the rooms in the house instead of always what is cooking on the stove if 12 people in the kitchen has the stove pots under watch.
To solve this pandemic, I suggest the following actions:
• The USN Hospital ships are staffed by trained Naval medical personnel. They should offer BioHazard Level 3-4 protection to themselves and ER doctors complete with suits, gas masks, Camelbaks, duct tape, and tarp showers and washdowns after each and every day. One hospital is burning through 40,000 N95 masks a day! A gas mask might last all day and just use one charcoal filter.
• The U.S. Military should take an active role in Decontamination and washdown of infected areas such as the Diamond Princess and public spaces. If Bleach and alcohol is the issue, then Green Detergent should be used and logistics needs to work hard to find the “proper Environmentally-friendly solution” for kids and families’ benefit.
• The DoD should play an active role in the distribution of the donated PPE to government and medical, driving HMMWs and government cars to distribute them to hospitals, doctors, leaders, Food Banks, and VIPs. DoD also needs to help with proper disposal of infected PPEs and use incinerators or proper ways to dispose and destroy of used PPEs just like CBRN BioHazard protocols.
• DoD should work to ensure government EMS vehicles are properly disinfected and all vehicles are fueled and ready to go. Areas should be established where EMS can sleep and rest without driving long distances home
• DoD should work to guard priceless government centers such as museums, critical infrastructure, banks, Wall Street, airports, bridges, and areas deemed sensitive to Homeland Security. This could mean standing guard, roving patrols, or even a UAV or UGV drone surveillance to monitor these areas
• Medical and scientists should be the leaders and advise the DoD and DHS on where they are needed the most to combat COVID-19 on the front lines.
• DoD should volunteer at Food Banks and play an active role in giving the public vaccinations and disinfecting Public areas. DoD Medical staff and MPs should mobilize to assist the general public.
• U.S. government needs to step up production of Bleach and cleaning products and train people on proper Decontamination. Government needs to prepare slides and YouTube clips to train the general public on what to and not to do. Tanker trailers could move solutions.
• Government Dept. of Public Health and Aides need to go into closed restaurants and inspect for vermin and food spoilage and contamination since restaurants have been closed for weeks. Practically every restaurant stands a chance for government health inspection. Those deemed unfit or with vermin will have to be cleaned, repaired, and sealed (using the $2 trillion budget). This is a prime chance to inspect ALL closed restaurants. DoD can assist in this because practically everyone should know what vermin and droppings are, even in amusement parks restaurants. Issue Health Inspection grades. Beware of Hanta virus, not just COVID-19.
• U.S. government needs to step up production and distribution of toilet paper, even if in huge rolls found in a public bathroom or from MRE packets.
• U.S. government needs to be in airports to assist TSA and Customs with screening of people after the COVID-19 outbreak. TSA and Customs will be stretched thin with the onslaught of people trying to get home. Train DoD in inspections, manners, screenings, and Q&A of flight passengers and keep order in addition to traffic control outside. Government DoD IT techs can help repair broken machines and DoD medical can take fever temperatures.
• DoD’s presence reassures people so even showing up in uniform adds a layer of calm and confidence.
* DoD and government should request companies donate quiet small and large HEPA, UV, micron, and activated organic charcoal air purifiers to critical businesses, hospitals, shelters, police and fire stations, and command centers. Something needs to purify the air and HEPA filters should be able to trap bacteria, mildew, spores, molds, and even viruses and recirculate the air.
* Friendly motorcycle riders can aid in cross-country travel to distribute masks, ventilators, sanitizers, and critical medical items to rural areas. Since these motorcycle riders are independent and know the highways, it just takes one uninfected rider to make a delivery. They can social distance themselves out on the roads and split up for distribution, using radios and smartphones to communicate. True Patriots, they won't steal or hoard the items since many riders are doctors, lawyers, ex-servicemembers, and cops. They have saddlebags, cargo containers, and sidecars to ride with and are faster and more mobile than cars, vans, and HMMWVs and can journey back and forth like on cross-country vacations. The government should finance some of them for delivery since truck drivers are too busy making critical runs. DoD might find the logistics better solved with friendly motorcycle riding groups.
* Government should explore the use of rubber gowns, suits, gloves, and raincoats more than plastics, paper, and cloth. Rubber can be hosed and washed down compared to other cloth materials that trap dirt and liquid. Dress like it's going to rain or snow with face wrap ski mask.
* Government should buy more respiratory hoods. Some companies still stock hoods and face shields as one unit (like a welder) compared to separate items of N95 mask, goggles, plastic face shield, or cloth masks. The face isn't covered enough for many medical staff dealing with this issue.
* Government should ask for organic twin filter respirators or gas masks to be worn by medical personnel in highly infected areas and safety glasses worn at all times if hoods aren't available.
* Government should start producing wipes produced with sanitizers, bleach, alcohol, or disinfectant.
* Government should start forming teams of "wipers" that clean all over closed public areas with disinfectant bleach and mops since UV light is too dangerous to kill Coronavirus. Perhaps banks of fog sprayers can disinfect large areas with Environmentally friendly solution. The military has a device called a thermo-fogger that produces clouds of smoke or cleaning fog and can blanket entire areas in mist that can be wiped clean or left to dry. If a thermo-fogger emitting bleach is teamed with an air puffier, would that eliminate the airborne Coronavirus in hospitals?