Coercion and Competition: How the United States Can Impose Costs and
Disrupt Adversaries without Resorting to War
On November 4, 2020, the Modern War Institute hosted the fourth annual USMA Class of 2006 War Studies Conference. Like the previous iterations, this event brought together more than two dozen experts from across the national security community to generate ideas about how to address pressing challenges, like great power competition, facing the United States. The participants gathered virtually for a day of discussion surrounding a single theme: “Coercion and Competition: How the United States can impose costs and disrupt adversaries without resorting to war.” Below you can find links to the conference program and post-conference summary, along with videos of all five panels.
Official Conference Registration Book
Official Conference Summary
Conference Videos
Panel 1: Confronting Iran
Dr. Christopher Bolan
Dr. Anthony H. Cordesman
Dr. Ariane M. Tabatabai
Dr. Sanam Vakil
Dr. Nakissa Jahanbani
Panel 2: Confronting North Korea
Dr. Rupal Mehta
Mr. Ankit Panda
Dr. John S. Park
The Honorable Susan Thornton
Dr. Michael Poznansky
Panel 3: Confronting Russia
Dr. Thomas Graham
Ms. Nina Jankowicz
Dr. Alexander Lanoszka
Dr. Cynthia Roberts
Dr. Thomas Sherlock
Panel 4: Confronting China
Ms. Elaine K. Dezenski
Dr. David M. Finkelstein
Dr. Sheena Chestnut Greitens
Dr. Joshua Shifrinson
Mr. Ali Wyne
Concluding Panel: Addressing Diverse Challenges
Col. Stephanie Ahern, PhD
Dr. Emma Ashford
Dr. Michael C. Horowitz
Dr. Nadia Schadlow
Col. Patrick Howell, PhD