Free Syrian Army fighters exchange fire with regime forces in the Salah Al Din neighborhood of Aleppo, Aug. 22.

Free Syrian Army fighters exchange fire with regime forces in the Salah Al Din neighborhood of Aleppo, Aug. 22, 2015.

This week on the podcast we talk to Dr. Rodger Shanahan, a Research Fellow at the Lowy Institute.

Using Aleppo as a case study we talk about tactical action leading up to the fighting in Aleppo, air to ground integration between Russian air forces and Syrian ground forces, as well as what tactical level leaders can learn about ground war from Syria’s example.

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[Cover Photo by James Lawler Duggan]

Associate Professor Rodger Shanahan is a Research Fellow at the Lowy Institute, on the staff of the National Security College, Australian National University, and a part-time member of the Refugee Review Tribunal. Read Full Biography