The Watch and The Pen: The Strategist’s Two Tools
To think deeply about strategy, avoid the distractions of modern personal technology, writes MWI Non-Resident Fellow ML Cavanaugh.
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M. L. Cavanaugh | 12.05.16
To think deeply about strategy, avoid the distractions of modern personal technology, writes MWI Non-Resident Fellow ML Cavanaugh.
Read MoreMWI Staff | 11.30.16
The chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces’ Technology Branch discusses the use of tunnels in the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, unmanned systems, 3-D printing, and more.
Read MoreJames King | 11.23.16
US Army Maj. James King reviews Maj. Gen. (Ret) Robert Scales’ new book, Scales on War.
Read MoreJohn Amble | 11.02.16
MWI’s Capt. Jake Miraldi uses the CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment to walk cadets and the US Military Academy’s commandant through his platoon’s actions during the 2009 Battle of COP Keating.
Read MoreMWI Staff | 10.20.16
Retired Maj. Gen. speaks with cadets and faculty about modern war and what the Army needs to succeed.
Read MoreErnest Wong | 04.10.16
Armies of the future that leverage smartphone innovations will change the face of war and reshape the modern battlefield, argues LTC Ernest Wong of West Point’s Army Cyber Institute.
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