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The Irregular Warfare Initiative is a joint venture between the Modern War Institute at West Point and the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project, a collaborative academic project between Princeton University, Stanford University, University of California at San Diego, and the University of Chicago. Articles selected for publication will appear in a dedicated channel on the Modern War Institute’s website.
Please read the guidelines below before submitting.
Irregular warfare is defined in the Irregular Warfare Annex to the 2018 National Defense Strategy as “a struggle among state and non-state actors to influence populations and affect legitimacy. IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will.”
Relevant subject areas include but are not limited to:
Submissions should be between 600 and 2,000 words. Exceptions to the maximum word length will be made only occasionally and when the subject matter requires it.
Types of Submissions
The mission of IWI is to bridge the gap between scholars and practitioners and to build a community of IW professionals. As such, submissions from both researchers and practitioners are encouraged. Researchers can present findings or arguments from larger academic projects or books, while practitioners may present arguments or observations from their practical experience or time in academia. Collaborative articles between researchers and practitioners are also welcome.
Commentary articles typically take a position and aim to persuade. Analytical articles break down a problem, challenge, or issue in a comparatively more dispassionate tone.
Book reviews are also appropriate. When writing a book review for IWI, please do not simply summarize the contents of the book. Engage with the book’s subject matter. Tell readers what makes the book important or worthy of being read, but do not be afraid to identify missed opportunities in the book or disagree with either its assumptions or conclusions. Use the book as an entry point into a wider debate or as the basis of your own original argument.
IWI uses the Chicago Manual of Style as its house style guide. Please ensure your submission conforms to the CMOS. Additionally, our readership is broad, so please avoid jargon and overuse of acronyms.
Hyperlinks are used in lieu of footnotes or endnotes. Link to source documents wherever appropriate.
Submission Format
Submit articles as Microsoft Word documents. Include a short author bio of 2–3 sentences in the document.
All accepted articles will be published with the disclaimer below. Please feel free to include further disclaimer language as required or appropriate based on your position or professional affiliations.
The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense.
Send submissions to the IWI editorial team at submissions@irregularwarfare.org.