Gen. (Ret) Stanley McChrystal

Arnold Auditorium

Gen. (Ret) Stanley McChrystal served 34 years as an infantry and special forces officer. He commanded the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) and USFOR-A in Afghanistan, and served as the director of the Joint Staff, and as the commander of Joint Special Operations Command. Gen. (Ret) McChrystal is the author of Team of Teams. He is […]

Negotiating Counterinsurgency: Michael Baskin

Michael Baskin will speak about the use of negotiation and mediation in counterinsurgency, specifically discussing the experiences of fortyMarine infantry battalion commanders deployed to five Afghan districts in Helmand province, Afghanistan from 2008 to 2013.

Sandhurst Conference: Training to Win Tomorrow’s Wars

Robinson Auditorium

How do we better train our soldiers for modern conflict? From realism in our computer simulations to ongoing resource constraints, training our junior officers is critical to our future military success in an increasingly complex world. No longer is it enough to simply train cadets how to carry out raids or ambushes. From Somalia to […]

Fit Enough to Fight: Lt. Gen. (Ret) Mark Hertling

Washington Hall 5006

Lt. Gen. (Ret) Mark Hertling served thirty-seven years in the US Army and retired after serving as the commanding general of US Army Europe and the Seventh Army. In September 2013, Hertling was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. At this MWI Speaker Series event, […]

NATO’s Vision of Fighting in the Gray Zone: Brig. Gen. Imre Porkoláb

Thayer Hall 444

Brig. Gen. Imre Porkoláb, Hungarian Defense Forces, is NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation's liaison officer to the US Department of Defense. At this MWI Speaker Series event, he will discuss NATO's "persistent federated approach" to fighting in the "gray zone."