Robert Bracknell
Robert Bracknell serves as NATO Allied Command Transformation’s (ACT) principal international law attorney-advisor, providing legal advice and services in the development of international agreements, doctrine, and international security policy. Areas of professional interest include: International law, national security and intelligence law, ethics and standards of conduct, strategic policy and international relations, strategic and operational planning, crisis management, strategic communications, leadership, and management.
Jessie Daniels
Jessie Daniels is a Truman National Security Project fellow. She writes frequently on foreign policy and political issues; her work has appeared in national and international outlets, including the San Francisco Chronicle, Quartz, and The Guardian. Jessie previously worked as a legislative aide in the U.S. Senate, at a United Nations think tank, and has conducted research on the U.S. interagency process, including an analysis of the development and implementation of the U.S. government’s policy in pursuit of peace in Northern Ireland. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Columbia University and a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.
Kevin Duffy
Kevin Duffy is a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Coast Guard and the Commanding Officer of Maritime Safety and Security Team Miami. He previously led the Coast Guard's Middle East Training Team and served in the office of the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Kevin writes and publishes widely on topics including national security, maritime issues, culture, religion, and sports. The thoughts expressed here are his own, and do not reflect the views of the Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, or any other government agency.
Matthew Festa
Matthew Festa is a Professor at the Houston College of Law, and a Judge Advocate in the U.S. Army Reserve, where he is on the faculty of the International & Operational Law Department at the Army JAG School, and is an adjunct instructor at the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies. He was previously an attorney in private practice, a federal judicial clerk, and a platoon leader and staff officer in the 101st Airborne Division. His teaching and research focuses on property, government, and military law, and the law of armed conflict.
Justin Gorkowski
Justin Gorkowski is a major in the US Army with experience as a combat engineer and information operations officer. He previously served as a defense legislative fellow for a US senator and currently works as an Army congressional budget liaison. His primary research interests are in social revolution, low-intensity conflict and post-conflict reconstruction, and behavioral economics. Justin has master’s degrees from the Naval Postgraduate School and George Washington University. The views here are his own and do not represent the US Army, or any other government agency.
Joseph Guerra
Joseph Guerra is a former US Marine Corps and Army intelligence officer who served in a civilian capacity in Berlin during the last decade of the Cold War. He was involved as both an intelligence operations specialist and an intelligence operations officer in strategic overt Humint collection. He currently works in education and lives with his family in northern Portugal. His writings have appeared at , Infinity Journal, Defense and the National Interest blog, Milpub blog, and zenpundit blog. He blogs under the moniker “seydlitz89” and has also participated in three Chicagoboyz Roundtables.
Therese Heltberg
Therese Heltberg has a Masters degree and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Copenhagen and a subsidiary degree in Studies of the Modern Middle East. She joined the Institute for Leadership and Organization, Royal Danish Defence College, as a social scientist in 2015. Additional experience includes positions as senior advisor to the Danish National Police, part-time lecturer at the University of Copenhagen, and advisor to Danish development cooperation programs in Nepal.
James King
Major James King is currently serving as an Executive Officer for a Military Intelligence Battalion in Texas. While serving over 20 years in the National Guard, Army Reserve, and Active Army, MAJ King has held multiple leadership positions in the Military Police, Infantry and Intelligence fields as well as deploying three times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Major King holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Washington and a Master’s Degree in Strategic Intelligence from American Military University.
Dan Maurer
Major Dan Maurer is an active duty Judge Advocate, and former combat engineer. He has a JD from The Ohio State University, an LLM from the Army's JAG School, and is an ROTC Distinguished Military Graduate from James Madison University. He has published in Harvard National Security Journal, Military Review, Small Wars Journal, at, and in several law reviews. He is a member of the Military Writers Guild, and the bars of Ohio, Army Court of Criminal Appeals, Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, and the US Supreme Court.
James Need
Dr. Need has more than 35 years of successful leadership, management, and research experience in the medical entomology, preventive medicine, and force health protection sciences. His experiences have helped prepare him to successfully address complex issues in the military public health, force health protection, and medical response planning areas against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) terrorism, as well as national public health concerns such as the Strategic National Stockpile and homeland security.
Robert Potter
Robert Potter is currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Queensland. Prior to this he was Research Assistant Volunteer at the John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Prior to this he was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University - Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, School of International and Public Affairs.'
Gary Sampson
Major Gary J. Sampson, U.S. Marine Corps, is an intelligence officer and Northeast Asia Foreign Area Officer. He is a frequent contributor to the Marine Corps Gazette and has also been published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and in the Central Intelligence Agency’s Studies in Intelligence journal. Major Sampson is a 2009 Scholar of the George and Carol Olmsted Foundation.