How We Build Warriors Willing to Fight – Matt Larsen, Founder of Modern Army Combatives

Washington Hall 5006

Matt Larsen is a former US Marine and Army Ranger, and was the creator of the Modern Army Combatives Program. In this MWI Speaker Series event, he will discuss the evolution of hand-to-hand combat in the Army and explain why combatives training is not just about learning how to fight, but also about instilling a […]

Defeating ISIS in Mosul — Col. Pat Work

Washington Hall 5006

Col. James "Pat" Work is the commander of Falcon Brigade, 2nd BCT, 82nd Airborne Division. Col. Work and his brigade, by advising and assisting the Iraqi Army, spearheaded the clearing of Mosul against an extremely capable and dug-in adversary. In August 2017, the Falcons and the Iraqi Army successfully defeated ISIS in Mosul, crippling the […]

President Trump’s “America First” National Security Strategy — Dr. Nadia Schadlow

Washington Hall 5006

Dr. Nadia Schadlow is Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Strategy on the National Security Council. Most recently, Dr. Schadlow assisted in writing President Trump's National Security Strategy. In February 2017, Nadia published her most recent book War and the Art of Governance: Consolidating Combat Success into Political Victory. Before joining the National […]

A Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region: Japan’s Grand Strategy

Bartlett Hall 454

Join the International Affairs Forum and Modern War Institute for a guest lecture with Mr. Nobukatsu Kanehara. Mr. Nobukatsu Kanehara entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in 1981, upon graduation from the University of Tokyo. Since 2012, Mr. Kanehara has served as Deputy Director of the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, Director-General of […]

Why We Never Think Alone: Explaining “the Knowledge Illusion’”

Washington Hall 5300

Dr. Steven Sloman of Brown University and Philip Fernbach discuss how the key to our intelligence and knowledge actually lies in our surroundings and the community we interact with. This is critical for military thinking and learning at the tactical level, given that young officers' knowledge and expertise are coming not from within us but […]