MWI Speaker Series: Author Max Brooks

Washington Hall 5300

Max Brooks is the bestselling author of World War Z and The Harlem Hellfighters, a graphic novel about the 369th Infantry Regiment during World War I. He will speak about the importance of championing creativity in effective organization.

The NATO Urban Warfare Project

Washington Hall 5006

NATO is currently conducting and Urbanization Conceptual Study and Experiment to examine the impact on NATO military operations of potential crisis situations in urban systems and consequences of urbanization in 2035. This panel will include the current and former directors of the project, Hungarian Air Force Lt. Col. Jozsef Bodnar and UK Royal Air Force […]

US–Russia Relations under the New Adminstration

Washington Hall 5300

Join us for a panel discussion about the future of US–Russian Relations under the Trump administration, with panelists focusing on Vladimir Putin's worldview, the impact of US domestic politics, and Russian military actions in Ukraine. Panelists include Dr. Thom Sherlock (Social Sciences), Maj. Matthew Pratt (Behavioral Sciences and Leadership), Col. Liam Collins (Modern War Institute), […]

Storytelling from the Frontlines

Washington Hall 5300

Join MWI for a panel discussion, featuring authors of three bestselling fiction and non-fiction books on war, about how to write for non-military audiences. Participants include: Phil Klay, author of Redeployment Matt Gallagher, author of Youngblood August Cole, co-author of Ghost Fleet Moderated by Nate Finney, editor of The Strategy Bridge