Capturing Saddam: Former Interrogator Eric Maddox

Ike Hall Auditorium

Eric Maddox, known for his direct role in the capture of Saddam Hussein, is the featured guest in this MWI Speaker Series event. In 2003, Maddox interrogated the detainee who provided the information that led to the capture of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, in hiding for months since the US-led invasion. He will discuss […]

War Council — Fire and Fury? How to Deal with the North Korean Challenge

Washington Hall 5006

With renewed and heightened tensions between the United States and North Korea in the wake of recent ballistic missile tests, participants in this MWI War Council panel will discuss the risks associated with the crisis, along with opportunities to reduce tensions. Panel participants: COL Bryan Gibby, History; Dr. Scott Silverstone, SOSH; LTC Chris Jacobs, Law; […]

US Response to Challenges to the Western Order: Military Innovation and Power Projection – Dr. Stephen Rosen

Washington Hall 5006

Dr. Stephen Rosen is the Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Affairs at Harvard University. He was previously the civilian assistant to the Director, Net Assessments in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Director of Political-Military Affairs on the staff of the National Security Council, and a professor in the […]

Intelligence Analysis in the Age of the Algorithm: Dr. Nicholas Krohley

Washington Hall 5006

As we enter deeper into the age of big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, technological advances are transforming the way we analyze security threats. But rather than replace the need for human analytical capabilities, Dr. Nicholas Krohley argues that these new technologies demand greater focus on human expertise to overcome the limitations of purely […]

Facing the Zombies of Military Procurement – Max Brooks

Washington Hall 5006

Max Brooks is the New York Times bestselling author of The Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z, and The Harlem Hellfighters. An entertaining and thought-provoking speaker, he uses fiction to examine the real-world challenges the military faces.