In this video, Dr. James Giordano speaks to United States Military Academy cadets and faculty about the human brain and the future of war. Giordano is Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Scholar-in-Residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University. Recent history has seen substantial advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology, Giordano explains. These advancements are almost certain to impact the wars are fought in the future. In many ways, the brain might even become part of the battlespace.
This event was hosted by the Modern War Institute. Watch the full video of Dr. Giordano’s remarks below.
Dr. Louis Csoka, founded the Center for Enhanced Performance at West Point in 1989. As a Colonel teaching leadership, he knew the brain was the key to decision making and poise under pressure. In 1989 they did not have the technologies they do today, however, COL Csoka knew about the mind-body connection, neuroplasticity and the power of brain training. See his book, WHen the Pressure's On for some of that story. Louis was an Army Ranger and recipient of the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He understood the role of the brain in building and being a great leader.
COL Csoka was a fascinating individual. I had the pleasure of spending a great deal of time with him between '89 and '91. His book is an excellent read.
I was honored to work with Colonel Csoka as well and I agree that his book is fascinating.
What about the targeted individuzks
It’s coming out one day
The situation of Targeted Individuals including that of the citizens, soldiers, intelligence agents and diplomats previously affected is very unfortunate. The governments world over have all the requisite scientific and technological knowledge to frame a robust regulatory and legal frameworks to protect people. It is too simple for any country to update and reform existing laws, establish news laws and follow the constitution. There should just be a basic genuine moral interest and a willingness to do it. The governments must not ignore and evade things in the guise of a lack of understanding of what is happening in the area. Regards.
Dr. Subrahmanyam M. Pasumarty, PhD, MBA
Founder & CEO at TheIntelligent℠, QuantumStruct℠, GoldenRay℠ and Nanobiotact℠
Associate Member of CFA Society Toronto
Member of American Association of Individual Investors
Member of TiE Global
Member of IEEE, American Chemical Society, IoPhysics, SCI and SGAC
Member of IEEE Quantum Community and IEEE Photonics Society
Member of IEEE Nanotechnology Council and IEEE Sensors Council
Fellow of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Ftw. No future in it homie
Could somebody mention to this very knowledgeable AAA gentle man that humans have 3 brains within each other and the third is accessible only through the properly developed emotional centre to get beyond the atmosphere? As humans were NOT created for US accessing, assessing and affecting
We Should Be Helping The Pre-Existing BioHacking Victims that are forced into Slave Labor to build the very Neural Nets that are creating these Weapons
Source: MSNBC Oct 18 2019 despite the collective efforts of the FBI, CIA, NSA, CDC and the U.S. military, the Trump administration still says it doesn't know who or what is responsible for the "health attacks." Label associated with brain trauma inflicted on diplomats in cuba and china. U.S. Army West Point class 1981 and family, Broward County Florida are victims same electrics. Reporting symptoms FBI, DHS, City Pembroke Pines, FL Police with similar non-action. OUr home in visible disrepair, retired officer down psychiatrically, digital racketeerting to all personal financial and tampering fed benefits. AT&T telecommunications compromised along w/icloud internet account and smart devices. zip 33028
Sorry to hear all this. Regards.
Dr. Subrahmanyam M. Pasumarty, PhD, MBA
Founder & CEO at TheIntelligent℠, QuantumStruct℠, GoldenRay℠ and Nanobiotact℠
Associate Member of CFA Society Toronto
Member of American Association of Individual Investors
Member of TiE Global
Member of IEEE, American Chemical Society, IoPhysics, SCI and SGAC
Member of IEEE Quantum Community and IEEE Photonics Society
Member of IEEE Nanotechnology Council and IEEE Sensors Council
Fellow of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
I agree tottaly . Any ideas as how this could be accomplished ?
Honestly, I do not know how a person who claims to be ethical can seem so energized by something like this that has been done to people non consensually and thousands are begging our government to act upon. This type of mind assault is an absolute atrocity along the lines of what the Nazi scientists did. In fact, this type of discussion is exactly what was produced by the Nazi scientists that we borrowed during Operation Paperclip.
So how many people at this institution are connected with WEF?
How many people are questioning the ethics of this research, or is it already a done deal?